Supplier Terms & Conditions


1. Acceptance

  • Vendor is the company named on the purchase order. Buyer is TPI authorized person named on the purchase order.
  • Acknowledge receipt of purchase order with expected shipment dates within 3 working days of receipt of a purchase order.

2. Certification

  • Manufacturer’s signed C of C (certificate of conformance) and/or a signed Company C of C (certificate of conformance) (TDS) (MSDS) are required upon TPI’s discretion. (Note: TPI will determine what product requires certificates of conformance, test reports, etc., TPI will also determine what documents are kept, and its proper record retention in accordance with all interested parties)

3. Rated Orders per 15 CFR 700

  • When applicable, TPI will flow down Rated Order requirements based on our customer’s requirements. The flow down info will include the appropriate Contract Number, appropriate priority rating and program identification symbol (e.g., DOA1, DXA4, DON1). Vendor agrees that if and when a Rated Order Code is flowed down in accordance with 15 CFR 700, that the vendor will comply with the requirements as follows: “This is a rated order certified for national defense use and you are required to follow all the provisions of the Defense Priorities and Allocations System regulations (15 CFR part 700).”

4. Shipping

  • Transportation of purchased products will be complied with by the vendor as requested on the purchase order. No changes will be accepted unless approved by the buyer. No shipment will be received or processed for payment by the Quality Department without a vendor packing slip and certification.
  • Packaging of products by the vendor will be the most cost effective to ensure the best protection for the products purchased. Any multiple orders with a vendor will be consolidated to provide efficient management of transportation and costs.

5. Cancellation/Changes

  • Upon written request to the vendor, the buyer may cancel all or any separate part of this purchase order.
  • Buyer may make changes in the part number, quantity of the goods, transportation or ship to address. The buyer’s changes will be relayed to the vendor in writing or over the phone and any adjustments to the pricing related to the changes will be approved by the buyer in a timely manner (not to exceed 15 days).
  • The vendor will make no change or revision without the buyer’s prior consent and any changes requested by the buyer will be subject to review for impact on the vendor’s warranty policy. No price change by the vendor will be instituted without authorization by the buyer.

6. Nonconforming Product

  • In the event that product is non-conforming, the vendor must notify TPI and make arrangements for non-compliant material to be dispositioned. Approval is required by TPI

7. Counterfeit Parts

  • Vendor will confirm that no counterfeit parts will be shipped to TPI. The vendor will only purchase parts directly from the Original Equipment Manufacturer, Original Component Manufacturer or through an authorized distributor of the manufacturer.
  • Vendor will notify the buyer with all documents pertaining to any parts that are identified as counterfeit parts from the supply chain, that were shipped to TPI.
  • If there is an occurrence of a counterfeit parts receipt the vendor will, at their expense, replace subject parts with certified parts.
  • The vendor will establish and maintain a Counterfeit Parts Prevention and Control Plan.

8. Warranty/Product Claims

  • TPI has the right to return, reject of refuse any unacceptable part as deemed necessary by the TPI’s Quality Department, without any penalty from the vendor. Vendor will respond, promptly to the buyer on any claims. The vendor will provide the buyer with any changes to the standard warranty policy established by the vendor.

9. General Requirements

  • Vendors must have an established quality management system and apply appropriate controls to their direct and sub tier vendors to ensure that the requirements of TPI’s P.O. are met. Vendors must flow down to sub tier vendors the applicable requirements in this purchase order. Right of access by TPI, our customers and approved persons (e.g. Regulatory authorities) involved in this P.O. to applicable areas of facilities and all applicable documented information pertaining to the P.O. at any level of the supply chain.
  • Documented information created by and / or retained by vendors are required to be retained for 10 years by the vendor and disposition documented information by shredding. Vendor must notify TPI of all changes in product and / or process, changes of suppliers, changes of manufacturing facility location and, where required, obtain TPI’s. approval.
  • As part of TPI’s control and monitoring for vendor approval, TPI is monitoring the vendor’s processes, product and service conformance (including warranty returns) which we require a >95% conformance and the vendor’s actual on-time-delivery must be >85%.
  • TPI requires vendors to have the necessary competence to perform all requested work on the P.O. TPI determines the necessary competence for personnel doing work under our control that affects our Quality Management System and any competence required is listed on the P.O. By accepting the P.O., the vendor certifies that the required competence is available at the vendor’s company.
  • TPI wants our vendors to be aware of their contribution to our product and services conformity, to be aware of their contribution to product safety and ensure that all our vendors conduct their business for TPI in an ethical manner.

F-8.4.3-02 Rev A Approved By: Alan Ramos Date: 09/20/21